New decree simplifies diving!

A new Royal Decree (Real Decreto 550/2020) dated June 26, 2020 simplifies diving in Mallorca. In the future, divers who check in at a diving center in Spain will no longer have to submit a valid diving suitability test but it will suffice to fill out a special questionnaire. It is only necessary to have a doctor examine you before your first dive if the answers to the health questions suggest that the diver’s health is uncertain. Furthermore, the new regulations regulate age and depth limits for young people. From the age of 8, children are allowed to gain their first experience at depths of up to 6 meters, after which it is deeper depending on the age and level. For advanced divers there are also new equipment regulations. Complete standard equipment including a cutting tool, lamp and breathing gas source with connected first stage and octopus system is sufficient to a depth of 40 meters. Completely redundant equipment is required for dives below the 40 meter limit. In addition to a second diving mask, surface marker buoy and two independent time and depth measuring systems, 2 diving tanks with separately lockable valves and two completely separate regulators are also required. The diving depth is of course still limited by a maximum permissible O² partial pressure of 1.4 bar, which corresponds to a depth of 56 meters with air. Alternatively, deep rebreather dives are of course also possible.
If you want to read the whole thing yourself, you can download the 32-page decree from the FEDAS website at this link: -que-se-determinan-las-condiciones-de-seguridad-de-las-actividades-de-buceo /